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Stem cell research essay outline

Stem cell research essay outline

But there is no tomorrow, only the necessary information not obvious to them and the island was called emergency maternity and infant teachers. Sample Essay on Stem Cell Research: A Historical and Scientific Overview. Works Cited Babbington, Charles. Diane S. Stem cells "

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Stem cell research is one of the important scientific and political issues of these modern times. The purpose of this sample essay, one of the many writing services offered by Ultiusis to develop a historical and scientific overview stem cell research essay outline this selected issue. The essay will begin with a general introduction to stem cell research. Then, it will discuss the scientific history of stem cell research as it has unfolded over the past several years; and after this, it will turn to a consideration of the political history of stem cell research. Finally, stem cell research essay outline will provide a summary reflection on contemporary debates and conflicts that are currently surrounding the issue of stem cell research.

This type of document would likely be required in a mid-level English or science course where the focus is on general education over specialized study, stem cell research essay outline. According to the American Medical Association:. Adult stem cells can actually be found in both adults and children. Their name comes from the fact that they can be harvested from mature tissue without causing harm to the person from whom they are harvested. Embryonic stem cells, on the other hand, can only be derived from embryos, and the harvesting process destroys the embryos.

From this basic introduction, it is already clear that embryonic stem cell research has far greater potential to be ethically problematic than adult stem cell research. However, embryonic stem cell research is also generally considered to have the greatest potential for delivering medical and scientific breakthroughs, due to the fact that they are even more flexible so to speak and undifferentiated than adult stem cells see Bongo and Richards. From the medical perspective, stem cell research is viewed as stem cell research essay outline promising due to the fact that if stem cells can be introduced into patients with a range of illnesses, they could possible help regenerate the tissues and organs of the patients and thereby help heal illnesses and especially degenerative illnesses that are currently incurable.

For example, Lovell-Badge has indicated that diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and Huntington's disease are among the illnesses that could potentially be responsive to stem cell research Again, given that the potential of stem cell research is directly correlated with the plasticity of the stem stem cell research essay outline in question, stem cell research essay outline, it logically follows that there will be an increasing push by scientists to focus research on embryonic stem cells if at all possible, due to the fact that they have greater plasticity than adult stem cells and thus greater potential to contribute to medical breakthroughs. The moral dimension of the issue, however, has generally led to limitations being imposed on the capacity of scientists to pursue embryonic stem cell research.

The organization Science Progress has provided a good summary of some of the main events that have marked the scientific history of stem cell research. These include:. These events were important due to the fact that scientifically speaking, the isolation of stem cells from other elements within the body would be a prerequisite for conducting rigorous research on stem cells themselves. From this point, human scientific history over the course of the last decade and a half has been characterized by progressive breakthroughs in stem cell technologies, including:. Clearly, the scientific progress over the past several years gives great cause for hope. There has been a steady trend of scientists increasingly learning the secrets of stem cells and being able to apply their new knowledge to either research potential treatments or actually deliver effective treatments to human beings.

Therefore, stem cell research essay outline, it could be suggested that anyone who has a real interest in seeing major medical breakthroughs happen which, presumably, would be almost everyone cannot afford to oppose the ongoing development of stem cell research per se. What there clearly can be controversy over, though, is how exactly the research agenda ought to proceed. In order to more effectively address this dimension of the issue presently under consideration, it may be a good idea to turn now to the political history of stem cell research, or legislation that has surrounding the issue as it has developed over time. One of the clearest points that emerges regarding the political history of stem cell research and bioengineering in generalis that there has been ongoing controversy over the extent to which the federal government should fund research.

This has proved to be a quite partisan issue. For example, inBush issued an executive order that placed significant restrictions on federal funding for stem cell research; and inObama countermanded this order with an order of his own called "Removing Barriers to Responsible Scientific Research involving Human Stem Cells" see Research America, stem cell research essay outline. This, of course, stem cell research essay outline, is tied to broader political conflicts regarding issues such as religion and abortion.

If the federal government is to spend tax money on stem cell research, then this would likely contradict the values of many Americans, and especially conservative Americans, regarding the origins of human life. This is likely why the main legislative barriers against stem cell research have always focused on embryonic stem cell research. Again, as has been noted above, significantly greater ethical dilemmas inhere to research with embryonic stem cells than to research with adult stem cells. A good example of such restrictions can be seen in the guidelines for stem cell research released by the National Institute of Health inwhich stipulated that:.

Several important ethical points are exemplified by this statement, including that embryonic stem cells must be derived using private and not public funds and that it still is not acceptable to create embryos simply for the sake of harvesting stem cell research essay outline cells from them and destroying them in the process. Over the course of the last several years, though, such regulations would seem to have become someone less salient both due to their relaxation under the Obama administration and to scientific innovations regarding adult stem cells, which have enabled scientists to somewhat circumvent the legislative debate surrounding embryonic stem cells. This is because controversy over stem cell research generally tends to focus on the use of embryonic stem cells; but then, this leads to the more fundamental question of the legal, stem cell research essay outline, ethical, and metaphysical status of the embryo.

In principle, if one grants that abortions are acceptable, then one must also grant that it is acceptable to create embryos specifically for the purpose of harvesting stem cells from them. To put it a little differently: insofar as an embryo is not understood as a living human being, there would be no reason for controversy to even arise regarding this matter, stem cell research essay outline. Of course, there is a significant number of Americans who believe that life begins at conception, stem cell research essay outline, and that the embryo is thus in fact metaphysically a living human being. If this were the case, then the manufacture of embryos simply for the purpose of destroying them would be horrific, insofar the destruction of each embryo would then be morally and conceptually equivalent to murder.

If this paradigm is accepted, then whatever benefits could be produced by embryonic stem cell research would clearly be outweighed by unacceptability of the atrocities that would need to be committed in order to achieve those benefits. Clearly, this conflict ultimately surpasses the bounds of science itself and is grounded in the differing religions and broader worldviews of different groups of people within the nation. As Robertson has written:. Stem cell science is thus drawn into the ongoing, highly divisive wars over abortion and the culture of life that have occupied a central stage in American law and politics over the last 30 years" Stem cell research is thus a highly partisan issue, and it is likely to remain that way over stem cell research essay outline foreseeable future.

Again, stem cell research essay outline, this is because the real points of contention that surround the issue surpass the scope of science or even reason more generally; they touch on people's fundamental beliefs about what it means to be human. For example:. Both positions would be cogent within the context of their own assumptions; and it would be difficult if not impossible to rationally discredit either set of assumptions. Need an essay arguing this point? Ultius can help! In addition, it is worth pointing out that even adult stem cell research is controversial, insofar as stem cell research in general has the potential to lead to human cloning.

The basic point here would be that human beings are engaging with a dangerous power that may be intimately connected with the very origins of life itself. If there were no God, then there would naturally be no problem with human beings pushing their knowledge to the limits. On the other hand, if one did believe in God, then it would be possible to argue that stem cell research is an attempt by humans to usurp His role. As with the morality of the destruction of embryos, this question can be expected to remain open for a quite long time.

In summary, this essay has provided a historical and scientific overview of the issue of stem cell research. It began with an introduction to the issue, proceeded to discuss the scientific and political history of the issue, and finally reflected on the stem cell research essay outline situation regarding the issue, stem cell research essay outline. One of the main points that has emerged here and throughout research paper writing on the subject is that although stem cell research clearly has a great deal of potential for catalyzing medical breakthroughs, the research agenda has been limited to at least some extent by legislative barriers based on moral concerns.

Given the nature of the issue at hand, these latter concerns clearly are not irrelevant. Moreover, it could even be suggested that without the barriers, certain recent scientific innovations such as those pertaining to adult stem cells may not have come about. In general, then, it is perhaps a good idea for stem cell research to proceed in the cautious and pragmatic way that it has thus far. American Medical Association. Bongso, Ariff, and Mark Richards. Lovell-Badge, Robin. Research America. Robertson, John A. Science Progress. Wertz, D. Ultius, Inc. Ultius Blog, 02 Jan.

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Embryonic stem cells represent the greatest potential for medical applications, simply because they retain the greatest ability to develop into virtually any type of human tissue desired; they are capable of being extracted from fertilized human zygotes, such as the fertilized ova produced for each patient by the dozen in fertility clinics using in-vitro fertilization IVF techniques. The Michigan proposal centers precisely around the beneficial use of the many excess zygotes produced in IVF clinics that…. Bibliography Hornstein, D. Detroit National Politics Examiner, October 20, Why Science Can't Save the GOP.

Time Magazine, December 10, Pollack, a. After Stem-Cell Breakthrough the Real Work Begins. The New York Times, November. Satyanarayana, M. Charges Rampant on Stem Cell Issue: Look Into Claims Reveals Facts Behind Stances of Both Sides. The Detroit Free Press, October 12, The report suggested that the planned ban on human cloning should be evaluated inside of five years, but that it ought to be reassessed only if a fresh technical appraisal indicates that the actions are probable to be secure and successful, and if an extensive nationwide conversation on community, spiritual and ethical issues proposes that re-examination is necessary. The panel deemed that the technical and medical contemplations that rationalize a ban on human reproductive cloning at this time do not relate to nuclear transplantation to create stem cells.

For those who think that the embryo has the moral position of an individual from the instance of conception, study or any other action that would obliterate it is erroneous. For those who think the…. Do patients understand what it means to donate tissue to science? Not only that, but use of EG cells confuses stem cell research with the debate over abortion, bring up the risk of biasing emotions McDonald 7. So, while stem cell research is an exciting new field that holds much promise, ethical problems arise to delay research, discovery of benefits or dangers, and involve many who have no knowledge of the complexities of the field. Though controversies usually accompany new discoveries in science, this biotechnological process involves manipulating the basis of life itself in embryonic stem cells.

But the field is rapidly changing. hat is true today may be outmoded tomorrow. A neutral substitute for stem cells may be discovered that will prove to be the answer to these ethical questions. orks Cited Ethics Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Works Cited Ethics Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Hwang, W. Magnus, David and Cho, Mildred K. McDonald, Chris. Fall Analysis of the Issues: The ethical concern for the rights and welfare of viable infants is certainly a legitimate concern, but the central ethical analysis that pertains to stem cell research revolves around the issue of defining human life appropriately. Objective criteria like anatomical development, cognitive awareness, and above all, sentience of any degree and in any form are all legitimate bases for the definition of life and for identifying the period of gestation corresponding to the earliest conceivable safeguards necessary to prevent suffering.

On the other hand, purely subjective doctrinal claims without objective criteria of any kind are wholly inappropriate bases for defining scientific concepts like when life begins. The fact that human development varies among individuals and that it may be impossible to know exactly where sentience and other elements of "humanness" first begin in the fetus does not mean that it is impossible to identify periods of…. References Dershowitz, a. Boston: Little Brown, Healy, B. On Health: The Other Stem Cells; U. Hellemans, a. Stem Cell Ethics Debating the Ethics of Stem Cells The term 'stem cells' can mean different things to different people.

For some, it conjures images of medical miracles providing solutions for heart disease, diabetes, and dementia. For others, it terrifies with a future filled with cloned humans. Still others cringe at the thought of mass producing cultured human embryos for the sole purpose of providing organs and tissues for a paying public. As with most complex issues, news media coverage tends to exaggerate easily understood concepts at the expense of the overall truth and the public accordingly remains ignorant of the subtleties surrounding this debate. This seems to add fuel the emergence of polarized camps and a shrinking of a common middle ground.

To better define this middle ground, this essay will discuss both sides of this debate and argue instead that the vast majority of people would likely support…. Works Cited Antiniou, Michael. The author argues that the use of embryonic stem cells for research and medicine poses significant ethical and moral issues that cannot be overcome. Of particular concern is the potential for reproductive cloning, a door that the author believes was opened when the UK government approved the use of embryonic stems cells for research and medicine. Blow, Nathan. The author presents several issues facing researchers who work with stem cells and discusses why they are important to advancing this field of research. Of primary concern is developing standard protocols for producing stem cells and creating the necessary protocols and reagents that will allow the therapeutic use of stem cells in humans.

Leeb, C. The focus of this article is the promises and limitations of embryonic, adult, and induced pluripotent stem cells, from the perspective of scientists working in this field. The ethical decisions concerning the use of embryonic stem cells are only mentioned in passing. Power, Carl and Rasko, E. The authors discuss in detail the three main types of stem cell technologies: embryonic, adult, and induced pluripotent. Ethical issues are mentioned occasionally, but not discussed. This controversial decision drew all kinds of reactions from different groups on each side of the issue. Some adversaries of hESC research expressed admiration for the decision limiting research to existing cell lines, while others said that no research should be allowed under any circumstances.

Advocates of hESC research, meanwhile, generally praised the president for allowing some research to go forward, but criticized the restriction to existing cell lines as too strict, questioning whether enough research would be allowed. Current U. Stem Cell Policy under President Obama The March 9, EO changes the way the National Institutes of Health NIH can support and conduct human stem cell research. The Secretary of Health and Human Services HHS , through the NIH Director, is required to review existing NIH and other widely-recognized guidelines on human stem cell research and issue new NIH guidance within days of the date of the EO…. Bibliography AAAS Policy Brief: Stem Cell Research. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Executive Summary.

The National Institutes of Health resource for stem cell research. Register, Federal. Study of human embryonic stem cell will lead to major advances in human biology, specifically: Embryonic stem cell research will provide critical insights into mechanisms of cell differentiation, growth, and death Young, Understanding stem cells may provide keys to why people age Young, orks Cited Mitalipova, Maisam et. Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines Derived from Discarded Embryos AlphaMed Press. Morality of…. Works Cited Mitalipova, Maisam et. Morality of Stem Cells.. ppt Embryonic Stem Cells; an Introduction to Science ethics and Legislation.. ppt Mining Stem Cells.. Stem cells are a hot topic for the media today because our understanding of them has potential for incredible scientific advances in the field of biotechnology, yet we struggle because there are questions of morality raised by the methods by which they might be used.

While in centuries past, it was commonly accepted within the scientific community to vivisect the mentally insane or criminally convicted for the purpose of scientific knowledge, today religious groups are concerned about the fate of single stem cells being used in experiments. Stem cells have paved the way to cloning and bioengineering of humans, allowing scientists to "bring A sperm and ovum together to create an embryo, harvesting the cells, and then discarding the embryo. Bibliography Bell, H. Stem Cells ithout a doubt, one of the most controversial topics of popular discourse is stem cell research. Indeed, one would be hard pressed to peruse the newspaper or magazine stand without encountering some reference to the global stem cell debate -- but what, exactly, are stem cells, and why are they so controversial?

Stem cells intended for use in human applications are harvested from humans, umbilical cords and embryos. The reason these cells are so valuable is because of their capability to produce or "become" other cell types -- for example, brain cells, heart cells, skin, etc. In short, these are "master cells," holding the ability to divide in cultures, and to be manipulated allowing it to transform into any type of cell. Of course, this is extremely important due to the fact that scientists can use this capability to either create organs thereby helping to meet the tremendous….

Works Cited Hall, MiMi and Kiely, Kathy. July Retrieved from Web site on 15 March, Unfortunately, a tremendous amount of valuable research has been put on hold ever since the ban of federal funding for stem cell research. In the United States, the vast majority of medical research of all types that eventually lead to cures for disease are funded by the federal government. The federal ban on stem cell research does not completely prohibit it, but the effect is nearly the same, just as it would be if the federal government withdrew funding for cancer or diabetes research. The main opposition to stem cell research comes from the Religious Right who believe that any form of research using fetal stem cells is wrong, because according to their religious views, every fertilized human egg should be considered as much a human being as any living person, even a microscopic zygote consisting of nothing more than four cells of human tissue.

Certainly, the concept of religious…. eferences Condic, M. What We Know about Embryonic Stem Cells. Patel, K. President Bush and Stem Cell Policy: The Politics of Policy Making. Pickrell, J. com news service. Bioethics and the Stem Cell esearch Debate. Stem Cell Basics. Stem Cell Information from the National Institute of Health, U. Department of Health and Human Services. Values Conflicts in Stem-Cell esearch: Governments Struggle with Bioethical Issues. Precursor cells are also known as pluripotent cells, i.

References Condic, M. Bioethics and the Stem Cell Research Debate. However, we can immediately see that their purposes are distinct from one another. From a design standpoint, one grievance with Sanford Burnham is the shortage of active links to immediately usable information. First and foremost, it is of note that in a page with several eye-catching graphics pertaining to particular site destinations the Center for Nanomedicine, Sanford Burnham's blog none of these photographs is used as an active link. This is a missed opportunity for site usability that may be perceived as being of marginal importance but in reality can have significant impact on how long a visitor remains on a site and how many pages said visitor is inclined to click-through.

This is a shortcoming easily resolved but does impact the site's relative dynamism. The importance of such a matter is highlighted in a comparison between the two sites, with Research America ultimately compiling a site that is a…. The primary roles of adult stem cells in a living organism are to maintain and repair the tissue in which they are found. they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cell each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell. Researchers tout the belief that a manipulation of stem cells can be beneficial in curing many diseases as well as helping in creating or developing new life, which could be part of the reason why such….

Works Cited Info Center. National Institute for Health, U. Department of Health and Human Services, www. defaultpage, Accessed November 13, Growth and development of the human body arises from the stem cell and is maintained by it. Although all cells can divide or copy themselves, stem cells are unique because they can replicate and create all other types of cells. This ability of the stem cell to develop into any of the cell types that make up the human body makes it a powerful tool for biological research and medicine. Scientists believe that stem cell research has the potential of leading to previously incurable diseases. How are Stem Cells Formed? When a sperm cell fertilizes an egg, a zygote fertilized egg is formed.

The zygote divides itself almost immediately to form stem cells. These unspecialized stem cells have the ability to replicate to form other stem cells and to make all other specialized cells…. James Harper. html Research Issues. stem cells. It will consider the current moral discourse on the issue of stem cells and at the same time look at the basics or the foundation of stem cells themselves. How these cells can be utilized to conduct studies in cloning will be dwelt upon as well. The pertinent issue on the floor of the U.

congress in the deliberations on stem cell studies on humans is how to handle embryonic stem cell research ESR , a kind of research that may generate crucial lifesaving therapies, which demands the damaging of embryos. Present national government regulations and policy documents tackle this issue basically via the limits on federal funding allocated to ESR Aylesworth, The U. Department of Human Health Services is not permitted to spend any money on making human embryos for studies whereby the embryos will be damaged, thrown away, or intentionally be exposed to risks such as…. Scientists have been aware of the existence of these stem cells for many years but have only recently realized the potential medical applications of the cells.

More than a decade ago, scientists discovered that if the normal connections between the early cellular progeny of the fertilized egg were disrupted, the cells would fall apart into a single cell progeny that could be maintained in a culture. These dissociated cells, otherwise known as embryonic stem cell lines, continue to divide in culture, producing large numbers of cells at a fast pace. However, these early embryonic cells would lose the coordinated activity. Scientists quickly discovered that these cells retain the ability to generate a great number of mature cell types in culture if they are provided with appropriate molecular signals Reaves, Scientists have made significant progress in discovering these signals and are still working on it.

hile it is a difficult…. Works Cited Colino, Stacey. Making Sense of Stem Cells. Prescott, Bonnie. Animal Study Find Embryonic Stem Cells Can Repair Heart Muscle. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Reaves, Jessica. The Great Debate Over Stem Cell Research. Time Magazine. Recer, Paul. Study says stem cells have fewer mutations than previously thought. AP Online. One of Obama's campaign pledges was to allow deeper research -- including the use of federal research funds -- into the use of pluripotent stem cells in order to find solutions for some of the terrible diseases Americans suffer from. Among those medical problems is Parkinson Disease PD. This paper reviews and delves into the literature in terms of the potential of stem cell interventions into Parkinson Disease also called "Parkinson's Disease".

ho is the leading authority on stem cell research? There is no one "leading authority" reflected in the literature; however there are renowned scientists that are considered pathfinders in this field. Diane S. Krause, Associate Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Associate Director of Stem Processing at Yale University is "…one of the discoverers of previously…. Works Cited Gallup Poll. Gogel, S. Gubernator, M. Progress and prospects: stem cells and Neurological diseases. Gene Therapy, 18 1 , Krause, D. Plasticity of marrow-driven stem cells. Gene Therapy, 9 11 , Lo, Bernard, and Parham, Lindsay. Resolving Ethical Issues in Stem Cell Clinical. Stem Cell Differentiation The need to restore the lives of the individuals calls for more of transplantation than that which is available.

There are fewer organs, which can help in the transplantation process, which means that overdependence on the process makes it to be reliable. Further, the process may also end up endangering the life of the donator. Transplantation is the only available process that can for the individuals having kidney and lung problems. However, the numbers of individuals who are suffering from kidney and lung failure are always more than those who are ready to supply the needed organs. This calls for an alternative way, which can help in compensating the loss that the individuals face.

One of the major alternatives for the process of translation is stem cell differentiation that may occur in any body cell. The stem cells differentiation offer the possibility of a renewable source of…. Reference Wang, J. Functional analysis of transcription factor binding sites in human promoters. Genome Biology, doi Stem cell differentiation and expansion for clinical applications of tissue engineering. J Cell Mol Med. Gerrard L, Rodgers L, Cui W. Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells to Neural Lineages in Adherent Culture by Blocking Bone Morphogenetic Protein Signaling. Stem Cells Dimitrios Karussis and Ibrahim Kassis, in the article, "Use of Stem Cells for Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis," conclude, "In the current review, the various types of stem cells, which were mainly studied in animal models, will be reviewed as a potential therapeutic approach for MS.

The other diseases that are showing promise in treatments resulting from stem cells usage includes: as cancer, diabetes, osteopetrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries, heart disease, immune system disorders, blood disorders; the list goes on Diseases Treated by Cord lood, Conclusion Stem cells are a valuable weapon in the future treatment of disease and in…. Bibliography "Adult stem cell Plasticity and Transdifferentiation. html "Asymmetric Division of Stem Cells. html "Diseases Treated by Cord Blood. html Jessen, W. While freedom of religion absolutely guarantees the right to refrain from choosing to submit to stem cell-based treatment, the same freedoms and the concept of separation of church and state absolutely preclude religious beliefs about when life "begins" or about anything else from dictating laws that affect other people who may not share those particular beliefs Dershowitz, Beneficence and Non-malfeasance Certainly, both the concept of beneficence and non-malfeasance absolutely prohibit the use of fetal stem cells from any fetus that is sufficiently developed to be considered a "person" as well as from any fetus that is sufficiently developed to sense pain.

Medical authorities may debate where the exact point is where "personhood" first becomes an issue, but in principle, that characterization must be a function of objective criteria and never subjective beliefs of laypeople, especially based in religion Dershowitz, Both beneficence and the duty to avoid malfeasance prohibit…. Levine, C. Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Bioethical Issues. Dubuque, Iowa: McGraw Hill. H1 will essentially be ascertained following these tests. Does iPS treatment rescue the motor and cognitive deficits associated with Angelman Syndrome: Data will be gathered from testing the treated mice in scientifically recognized tests of cognitive ability in a mouse model. This project proposes using the water maze test, the electric shock test, and the submerged platform test.

H2 will effectively be answered using the data gleaned from these tests. Conclusion 4. Reliable mouse models of AS exist with which to run the tests. The technology needed to tease iPS stem…. Bibliography Abuhatzira, L. MeCP2 involvement in the regulation of neuronal alpha-tubulin production. Human Molecular Genetics, Condic, M. Regulatory Issues for Personalized Pluripotent Cells. Stem Cells, Dindot, S. The Angelman syndrome ubiquitin ligase localizes to the synapse and nucleus, and maternal deficiency results in abnormal dendritic spine morphology. Dobkin, B. Behavioral, temporal, and spatial targets for cellular transplants as adjuncts to rehabilitation for stroke. Stroke, That is not to suggest that scientific criteria can necessarily pinpoint any specific instant or moment in time when a developing fetus can logically be considered a living human being, but only because such precision is impossible.

In principle, there is no doubt that medical science can identify the various stages of fetal development associated with the biological structures and processes that make us human. Likewise, they can identify the point where suffering becomes possible because neurological development produces the ability to perceive pain Levine, Therefore, the appropriate use of scientific criteria would be to link ethical concern for the fetus to sentience, and simply to err on the side of caution where pinpoint identification of sentience is impossible to know with certainty. In principle, science the discipline is strictly objective; in practice, scientists are susceptible to human failings such as malice, egoism, and greed.

The field of ethics…. Kinsley, M. Dubuque Iowa: McGraw Hill. Sagan, C. New York: Random House. Going back further, the same religious principals also inspired opposition to organ transplants and blood transfusions; before that, the Catholic Church strictly forbade any forensic scientific research, necessitating the need to dissect cadavers for medical education entirely in secret Levine, Just as the news media are partially at fault today for their failure to distinguish legitimate concerns from ludicrous fears in connection with the ongoing political debate over American healthcare, they are equally responsible for allowing unfounded fears of "human cloning" in connection with the beneficial uses of stem cell science. Specifically, the main source of secular opposition to stem cell research is attributable to unnecessary fears of rampant misuse of human cloning technology to clone human beings.

While human cloning is hypothetically possible, no responsible scientific researcher would ever misuse current biomedical technology in that fashion. The complexities of cloning entire organisms have been well documented in animal…. Friedrich, M. This bill was sent to the U. Senate and set for vote mirroring a bill previously passed by the House during the Summer of which failed to pass the Senate because of vehement disagreement that was even "within the parties over the prohibition of therapeutic cloning. National Legislation Concerning Human and Reproductive Cloning, ; paraphrased As of the date of the report on legislation eight U. states had passed laws that explicitly prohibited reproductive cloning using human embryos and another five U.

states have placed a prohibition on cloning for any purpose whatsoever with 22 other U. states introducing bills outlawing the reproductive cloning of humans. Ibid; paraphrased Patenting laws for genetics allow inventors to patent genetics but only specific genetic factors may be patented and inventors are required to: 1 Identify novel genetic sequences; 2 Specify the sequence's product, 3 Specify how the product functions in nature --i. Bibliography O'Connor, Sean M. nd Intellectual Property Rights and Stem Cell Research: Who Owns the Medical Breakthroughs? nd Overview of Stem Cell Research New England Law Journal Mar Chadwick, Ruth et al. Moral and Legal Questions of Stem Cell Research Stem cell research is an experimental, and research-based study as to methods of repairing the human body.

y introducing stem cells into a damaged, or degenerating area of the body, the medical profession hopes to prompt the body to regrow healthy tissue, and repair the damage. Degenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease, or macular degeneration of a patient's eye retina are conditions in which the healthy tissues cease to function properly. There is no overt damage. There is not a disease which has physically destroyed the affected body part. ut for varying reasons, such as old age, wear and tear, or reasons medical science does not yet understand, the affected body part simply ceases to function properly. Stem cells are the type of cells, which are more numerous in, but not limited to, human embryos. They are the building blocks of the….

Bibliography Answers to your questions about Stem Cells. Retrieved 15 Dec shtml Critical Legal Studies. Retrieved 10 Dec People with family histories of blood disease, for example, could benefit greatly from a private supply of compatible blood cells. Mixed-ethnicity children could also stand to benefit, since this population often experiences difficulty finding genetically compatible donors for organs or bone marrow Peterson The sad reality is that despite its many benefits, the use of stem cells from umbilical cords is hampered by a lack of supply. There are private banks that extract and store a baby's umbilical stem cells for private use, but the costs are too prohibitive for most families.

Also, many parents are simply unaware of the importance of umbilical stem cells. Sprage, a beneficiary of a cord stem cell transplantation, finds it disturbing that "most cord blood ends up as medical waste. Works Cited Peterson, Holly. August 18, Seppa, Natan. May 21, Smith, Wesley J. Value of Umbilical Stem Cell Research in Curing Disease. legislation introduced topic stem cell research. You find Library Congress website helpful research thomas. Pick a piece legislation interest give a summary bill. The H. To play a more significant role in achieving technological advancements in STEM-cell research. The act was introduced in June 19, The legislation relates to the idea of changing the Public Health Service Act with the purpose of introducing research processes that make use of human stem cells.

The legislation is particularly interesting because of its studies in the field of stem cells involving human embryos. Although the legislation bring forward problematic ideas because of the difficulty associated with actually coming in possession of human embryonic stem cells, the fact that there are numerous individuals willing to donate such resources with the purpose of promoting scientific advancement makes it possible for experts to progress in…. The authors did a comparison study of adults with acute leukemia. All these patients received a hematopoietic stem-cell HSC transplant from a donor that was unrelated to them. The authors compared them to patients who received UCB instead of HSC. One of the important characteristics of UCB is that it does not have to match the donor, which makes it much more flexible in leukemia and other treatments.

The study covered two groups of people. The authors note, "98 received cord blood and received bone marrow. The transplantations were performed from through and reported to Eurocord and the European Blood and Marrow Transplant Group" ocha, V. They traced participants' ages, weights, level of severity of the disease, and other influences to discover what treatment worked best in treating adults with leukemia. They found that rates of mortality and relapse were very…. References Mauro, MJ. Stem cell transplantation in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia: When should it be used?

Mayo Clin Proc. March; 81 3 Rocha, V. Transplants of umbilical-cord blood or bone marrow from unrelated donors in adults with acute leukemia. New England Journal of Medicine ; Tse, WW, SL Zang, KD Bunting and MJ Laughlin. Umbilical cord blood transplantation in adult myeloid leukemia. Bone Marrow Transplantation 41, -- Vago, L. Loss of mismatched HLA in leukemia after stem-cell transplantation. New England Journal of Medicine. However, there would also need to be an extended period of longitudinal analysis of the effects of the therapy on the experimental group mice's health to see if the improvement continued and did not produce damaging side effects.

The MSCs in the liver therapy are not derived from human embryos and thus the objections to discarding human embryos are not a factor in the ethical discussion about the therapy. In fact, "the number of MSCs that can be obtained from a donor is significantly lower than the number needed for tissue regeneration. The main ethical objections to the use of MCSs revolve around the question of scientists' right to create new organs and the possible risks involved. The Japanese research team "relied on a 'cocktail' of so-called induced…. Works Cited "Mesenchymal stem cells MSCs. To date, adoptive T-cell therapy have used peripheral blood, tumors, malignant effusions, and drained lymph nodes as sites for injecting the T-cells for adoptive transfer.

Those are routinely used are allogenic bone marrow transplantation and peripheral blood stem cell infusion. It is possible that the bone marrow might be a good place too. It is also arguable which precise T-cells are the best to transfer, since T- cells are differentiated into many subsets. Furthermore, in order to produce enough effectors T-cells, specific T-cells from peripheral blood or tumor specimens are isolated and generated in vitro, and these are then clonally expanded using various approaches. The T-cells are then reinfused into the patient with the expectation that they will then target antigens.

There is much evidence that this approach works, although it also seems that this can be engineered in vivo under certain situations. For most effective T-cell therapy, it has…. Sources Greenberg, P. Jamieson, B. Definition of T cell. For some the issue then arises when the pluripotent cells are removed from the blastocyst, as this very act negates the ability for the cell group to develop into a human being. The pluripotent stem cells undergo further specialization into multipotent stem cells, which are committed to giving rise to cells that have a particular function.

Works Cited. The researcher needs protection as well as the subject does. An important protection of confidentiality is testimonial privilege. This protection is not absolute and must yield to other concerns in some cases such as state's requirement that certain diseases infectious diseases or injuries child abuse or neglect, gun shot wounds be reported to prevent further injury. Written, informed consent to release information is the best defense against an allegation of a breach of confidentiality Brent, , p. Bioethics and informed consent extend beyond the area of research into that of medical practice, calling for medical personnel to inform patients of what treatment are being given and what options the patient may have.

Such efforts are seen as both ethical and as empowering for patients,…. References Bower, R. Ethics in social research: Protecting the interests of human subjects. New York: Praeger. Brent, N. The home healthcare nurse and confidentiality and privacy. Home Healthcare Nurse, 15 4 , Chadwick, B. Social science research methods. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall. Heinrich, Bernd. Cell Division All living things are complex organisms that are made up of cells. Some are made up of a single cell while others comprise of numerous cells working together. Cells are the basic functional and structural units of living organisms and are known to be the building blocks of life.

In humans it is from a group of cells that tissues are made and from tissues that organs are made which enable beings to live. Cells obtain food and oxygen through their membranes and each membrane has a specific area which can serve contents of only a given volume. Any increase in volume of the cell requires that the area of the membrane increases. Basically, when cells grow the membrane becomes insufficient in aiding the movement of substances in and out and thus to maintain a favourable surface area to volume ratio, cell division must take place.

Furthermore, cell…. References Bolsover, S. Shephard, H. White, and J. Cell Biology: A Short Course. Wiley- Blackwell, Conger, Krista. Morgan, David. The Cell Cycle: Principles of Control. New Science Press, STEM and STEAM in the classrooms Purpose and Major Components Many countries are currently putting much emphasis on the need to prepare students for higher education and equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge needed in this 21st century. To achieve this goal, learning institutions have adopted the STEAM approach, where they nurture students around the subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math.

This has gained popularity with all the players in the education sector, including educators, students, parents and even the US president. STEAM is viewed as a means to create a long-lasting interest in arts and sciences right from an early age. The subjects categorized under STEAM are somewhat similar, in that they all involve creative processes in the investigation of the subject matter. It is very important to teach such skills to students so as to prepare them for innovation in this ever-evolving world. Some argue it is better that fetus goes to better use Conclusion Just like any other agenda they both have their pros and cons, but it is our Job as a society to educate ourselves which of the two sides we stand on.

Will we support the strive for new cures for heart disease, cancer, and various other diseases and be able to change lives. Or will we stand in and view the morality aspect and how baby futures, and lab grown futures to be able to obtain these stem cells. I leave it up for you to decide. Stem Cell Research Outline. com, Oct 09, Accessed January 7, com , Oct Stem Cell Research Outline Topics: Biology Cell Health Medicine Science Stem Cell Stem Cell Research. Outline, Pages 1 words. Ability to become majority of tissue and organ cells b. Cite this page Stem Cell Research Outline.

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