Sunday, February 27, 2022

Essay on emotional intelligence

Essay on emotional intelligence

Serat, O. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH ESSAY BLENDER TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT. The emotionally intelligent workplace: how to select for, measure, and improve emotional intelligence in individuals, groups, and organizations. I Need An Essay Written For Me. Recognizing our own emotional states and how they affect our thoughts, essay on emotional intelligence, behaviors, and decisions is the key to cultivating self-awareness. Emotional intelligence EI […]. Emotional regulation has to do with our essay on emotional intelligence to control strong emotions by not acting on raw feelings in an impulsive or destructive manner.


Emotional intelligence is a very crucial element of human psychology. As a reflection, I consider myself as being emotionally intelligent. I have self-awareness traits as I am able to recognize my emotions, essay on emotional intelligence, why they essay on emotional intelligence and their origins. For example, I fully understand my strengths and weaknesses in life. I am therefore able to fully recognize any stress trigger and deal with them effectively to avoid any emotional breakdown and mental torture. While I am not easy to influence, I have become an open minded person who is ready to learn and adapt to new ideas. In relation to others around me, I easily talk to them and understand them. When Essay on emotional intelligence disagree with any of them, I act calmly and listen to them.

As a learning leader, I have always ensured that I balance my needs against those of others. When I lead a group, I try to be impartial and avoid any impulsivity. I am also socially aware of my surroundings. I mange my social awareness by attuning myself to the emotions of other people, their concerns and adapt to social cues whenever there is need to do so. I have always taken into account aspects of self-management in my life. This has enabled me ti have self-control and be self-disciplined. For example, when excited after a very successful achievement, I always try to avoid self-gratification and self-congratulation. Awareness of my emotions has enabled to get along well with other people and manage conflict effectively. This trait has also enhanced my communication skills and peer influence.

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In those years, the world saw an unbelievable amount of change: decolonization, the two world wars, the nuclear age and space exploration, the Cold War conflicts, poverty reduction, world population growth and the rising awareness of the degrading health of our environment. It […]. It is a word which we use almost every day to characterize the behavior of other people and sometimes even for ourselves. Aggression is a range of behaviors that is intended to harm another individual who does not wish to be harmed. This definition includes three features. Aggression is how you respond or behave and […]. The term intelligence means to observe and deal with the different situation. Everyone is different from others, like they have different personalities and state of mind. Beside this emotions are short an intense.

Intelligence has been an area of considerable research and debate. Goleman indicated that EI […]. Emotions are feelings and behaviors that can be observed. They guide how people act and react to everyday situations. Abstract Resilience in leadership entails a general attitude which is fast and easy to develop. This project is set to discover the vital importance of having a resilient leader across the organizations. Conflict and violence are inevitable in a considerable number of professional organizations thus the leader should have developed various tactics which they should […]. He also was the perfect model of leadership who demonstrated emotional intelligence, communicational skills, and displayed himself as an outstanding listener.

It is because of these traits that he was known as one of the best […]. Stress is a major issue for modern businesses and managers in the contemporary working environment. Not only do stress related illnesses have a cost for organisations in terms of lost working hours and productivity, but higher levels of stress have also been associated with lower level of satisfaction, poorer quality service delivery, and higher levels […]. Emotional intelligence has five main competencies which define EQ. Self Awareness, Emotional Regulation, Internal Motivation, Empathy, and Social Skills. Self-awareness his is the ability to label, recognize, and understand your own emotions.

Self-awareness requires us to tune in to our feelings and not avoid our negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, and sadness. Recognizing our own emotional states and how they affect our thoughts, behaviors, and decisions is the key to cultivating self-awareness. Emotional regulation has to do with our ability to control strong emotions by not acting on raw feelings in an impulsive or destructive manner. Developing the ability to sit with unpleasant feelings and to give ourselves the time and space to decide how we may alleviate or reduce negative feelings cultivates self-confidence. Emotional regulation also helps us develop the ability to consider various solutions to a situation or problem.

Not reacting solely from an emotionally charged state results in better decision-making outcomes. Internal Motivation is a passion to work for internal reasons that go beyond money and status which are external rewards, such as an inner vision of what is important in life, a joy in doing something, curiosity in learning, a flow that comes with being immersed in an activity. A tendency to pursue goals with energy and persistence. Empathy is when we empathize with others, we develop deeper, more intimate relationships. Empathy is the ability to recognize how and why people feel the way they do.

Empathy allows us to anticipate how our actions and behaviors influence other people as well as our own. Developing empathy skills enhances our experiences, relationships, and general understanding of ourselves, other people and the world around us. Lastly, you have Social skills which are a very broad term. In general, having strong social skills means having the ability to communicate in a clear, concise, and courteous manner. In a nutshell, good social skills are the summation of all the components of EQ: self-awareness, emotional regulation, and empathy.

The concept of emotional intelligence was first introduced in the 90s by Peter Salovey from Yale University and John Mayer from New Hampshire University. There are three general ways to measure emotional intelligence: Self-Report, Other-Report and Ability measures. The MEIS is an ability test, which we believe is the best way to measure Emotional Intelligence. MEIS, developed by Dr. Jack Mayer, Dr. Peter Salovey, and Dr. David Caruso, consists of several different parts. The MEIS measures the four branches of emotional intelligence which are Identifying Emotions, Using Emotions, Understanding Emotions and Managing Emotions all based upon the theory developed by Drs. Mayer and Salovey. In the wrong ways emotional intelligence can be used to manipulate people, prevents others from using their critical thinking skills and be used for personal gain.

Essay examples. Essay topics. Most popular essay topics on Emotional intelligence prepared by our experts:. Emotional Intelligence Theorists Allison MillerDenver School of NursingHendrie Weisinger is one of the emotional intelligence theorists. Emotional Intelligence: the Secret of Successful Entrepreneurship The Entrepreneurship is the process of designing launching and running a new business , which is often initially a small business. Importance of Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage, connect and influence your emotions and those of others. About Role of Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence is understanding the feelings of others, understanding your own feelings, and using those understandings to approach situations in a thoughtful manner.

Trait Emotional Intelligence Researchers made an impressive and extensive study on a human being and its effect regarding intelligence and emotional state on the people. How Emotionally Intelligent are You? The Importance of Emotional Intelligence The ability to control ones emotions is typically disregarded outside of psychological terms in a professional setting. Theory of Emotional Intelligence Social Constructionist theory, Symbolic theory and Emotion-Focused Practice Theory discussed in the following paper, only touches a small scale of the wide scope of the Theories of Emotional Intelligence. How i Use Emotional Intelligence over the Past Ten Years Have you ever heard the saying dont let your emotions get the best of you?

Motivating Emotional Intelligence In this article, the researchers are studying emotional intelligence and how it affects people in a social standpoint as well as how it helps motivate the emotions in others in certain situations. What is the Problem of Emotional Intelligence? Employee Motivation through Leaders Emotional Intelligence By studying different researches, it was explored that these emotional competences develop from general level to more complicated level and with the development of human growth, they become better in implementation and functioning with various type of concern such as family and business. Steps Toward Improving Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence, unlike IQ, can increase and evolve over time depending on a persons desire to learn and grow.

Emotional Intelligence and Behavior Emotional intelligence is being aware of ones emotions as well as being able to handle interpersonal judiciously and empathetically. The Elements of Emotional Intelligence Emotional analytics are involved in every action, decision and judgment that we undertake. Emotional Intelligence Plays a Vital Role Emotional Intelligence plays a vital role in our everyday lives and in the field of Social Work. Emotional Development and Human Emotions Emotion can be understood from a neurological, cognitive, or behavioral point of view. Emotional Intelligence in a Personal and Professional Environment According to Raz , emotional intelligence is defined as our ability to receive and process, and respond to emotions.

Gender Differences in Emotional Intelligence Within the STEM Sector ABSTRACT The study investigated the gender differences in emotional intelligence EQ within the STEM sector. Emotional Intelligence as a Type of Social Intelligence In todays society, emotional intelligence is described as a type of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor personal and individuals emotions, to judge among them, and to use the resources to guide personal cognitive abilities. Emotional Intelligence and why it is Critical to your Success The 20th century marked a time of great growth and expansion. Aggression and Emotional Intelligence It is a word which we use almost every day to characterize the behavior of other people and sometimes even for ourselves.

Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction The term intelligence means to observe and deal with the different situation. Emotional Intelligence in Social Work Emotions are feelings and behaviors that can be observed. More to this, Serat argues that high EI people are more optimistic, affable and resilient than people who have lower EI. Over the years, analysts have drawn a fine distinction between Intelligence Quotient and Emotional intelligence while stating that people with high EI are able to cope and relate with others better than people who have high IQ but are devoid of high EI levels.

Analysts agree that EI is important. However, they are yet to device ways through which IE can be measured. Admittedly, EI is a complex issue that has been the debate of numerous debates. One thing that analysts seem to agree on is the fact that EI is a combination of emotional and cognitive abilities. In managers, the authors argue that high EI is a tool that enables conflict resolution to take place more easily and effectively that would be the case if the manager had low IE levels. According to Goleman , EI has varied competencies, some which has a clear relation, while it is still unclear about how some of the competencies are related.

The author suggests that self-awareness produces social awareness and self control. The two on the other hand are responsible for breeding social skills in a person. According to arguments presented by different authors, this essay holds the opinion that EI unlike IQ is not a pre-programmed quality in the brain. One gets the impression that some of the qualities of EI can be deliberately acquired. Further, the author states that self-awareness can be learnt. This then means that a person with low EI can still work at developing the same to higher levels.

In addition to self-awareness, Mersino suggests developing accurate self-assessment skills. Citing Daniel Goleman, Mersino identifies self-assessing people as those who are conscious of their strengths and weakness; reflect and learn from past experiences; open to feedback, lessons, perspectives and beneficial comments; and possess a sense of humor towards their achievements and failings. Citing Gardner , Goleman identifies seven categories of intelligence. Goleman however associates EI with emotional competence, which he argues is responsible for self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management. Under self awareness, a person develops emotional awareness, self-assessment skills and self-confidence. Under self-management, one gains emotional control, transparency, optimism, initiative, adaptability and transparency.

Under social awareness, one develops service orientation, organizational awareness and empathy. Under relationship management, one is able to relate with others, develops conflict management skills, and is able to develop inspirational leadership skills, in addition to team working skills Goleman et al, Ruderman et al. As such, the authors identify a need for highly intelligent people to develop their EI capabilities in order to be able to relate well with other people. Most notably, Ruderman et al. Because of their skills and competencies, they look down on other people who are not as skillful as they are, and if put in managerial positions, are more likely to command people under them rather than create work teams where strengths can be shared.

According to Ruderman et al. They suggest that the first step to developing IE is coming to terms with ones emotions. The next step would be to deliberately guide thoughts and actions towards a particular identified path. While the importance of intellect was not underrated in workplaces, the same in management positions was seen as a complementary attribute. This calls for proper people engagement through talking and listening, influencing decisions and laying a good environment for consensus building. The manager is also responsible for putting people working under him or with him at ease. This means he can be quick to anger and lashing out at other people. Generally, people who are self-aware have a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and are therefore more willing to seek assistance beyond their strengths.

Emotional intelligence no doubts seem to be the missing link that would lead to success on a personal level as well as success in the workplace. No one wants to be around a person who cannot quite grasp the extent of his strengths and weaknesses. More to this, as much as people admire a skillful person, they detest such a person if he or she cannot pass on the skills to others or better still, a person who is patient with people who are not as equally gifted. As the different authors covered in this essay agree, emotional intelligence is indeed the bedrock of better relationships. More to this, he is able to respect others for what they can do. In an organizational setting, high EI people are relied upon as moderators and people who are capable of fostering good working relationships based on understanding.

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