Women became a chattel first essays on conflict her father, then of her husband, then of her son" Sechzer,p. De Waal, essays on conflict, eds. Recommendation for Resolution of Conflict: After having performed research of conflict resolution and studied the methods utilized by other institutions in conflict resolution it is stated as a recommendation that the method…. This element would have ensured that the conflict was entirely solved other than the temporal act just to fulfill the company's and boss' objective Borisoff, As to their brains, the comparison with that of the latter banishes all doubts. com, Mar
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We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Essay, essays on conflict. Topic: ConflictManagementWorkplaceLeadershipSocietyOrganizationEmployeeTeamwork. Arguably, not every society in the world can avoid conflict. In fact, conflict is part of human nature. Conflict among organizations and individuals is an unavoidable aspect of daily life. Many scholars assert that conflict is inevitable, essays on conflict. Perhaps, understanding how it escalates and starts entails progressive strategy in using it to the advantage of those concerned. Conflict refers to essays on conflict situation in which groups and people think, or have incompatible goals and objectives. Conflict essays on conflict a wide concept, but many people belief only violence and war is conflict.
However, conflict takes place in all levels of society and in all situations. Generally, organizations, individuals and people experience various types of conflicts every day Philips, essays on conflict, As a matter of fact, conflict escalation is a steady regression from immature and mature level essays on conflict various emotional developments. Certainly, the psychological course develops from one step to another. Conflict escalates in various stages, and each stage has various characteristics. Some conflict escalates essays on conflict a good course; good relationship face at times conflict. In most case, parties look for solutions cooperatively and objectively. Furthermore, ways that conflict escalates include complaints, passive resistance, active resistance, assaultive, as well as use of lethal force Wandberg, Undeniably, the organization of society is in a way that it has both root causes and factors that may escalate conflicts.
Unjust and unequal treatment of individuals in the community could lead to conflicting situations, essays on conflict. For example, if leadership and opportunities in the nation do not represent essays on conflict members of the entire society Philips, Other scholars assert that, conflict is as a result of arithmetical progression of resource supply and geometrical progression in population increase. Due to imbalance in population and resource allocation, individuals will struggle to survive leading to conflict. Conversably, individual differences in society cause conflict. As a matter of fact, people in society are different in nature and have variation on issues such as ideas, aspirations, attitudes, as well as interest.
Therefore, this difference puts them in a situation that they cannot accommodate each other, leading to conflict. Culture differ from one community to another, this variation sometimes causes tension. Among these communities, there are various interests among individuals, making conflict inevitable. Social change is part of societal growth and progress. Nevertheless, the rate in which social change escalates may lead to the uprising of conflict. In the 21st century, there are various conflicting scenarios between the old norms and the new generations. Conflict expresses a state of social disequilibrium essays on conflict the parties. Other core causes of conflict include, political discrimination, identity and ethnic affiliation, economic issues, as well, as modernization.
Addressing conflict in society is very important. In fact, addressing conflict is crucial in achieving enhancing productivity, as well as organizational effectiveness. In society, most individuals and organizations suffer from chronic patters of conflicts that have never been resolved. This may cause dysfunction among the conflicting parties. Hence, addressing conflicts resolves issues and ensure that there is normal functioning in the society. Generally, addressing conflict is crucial because it increases productivity, reduces costs, increase collaboration, as well as bringing satisfaction Wandberg, The existence of conflict in an organization, among individuals, and in the government is not a bad thing, essays on conflict.
Certainly, when conflict is essays on conflict effectively it leads to development and growth at professional and personal level. Nevertheless, effective resolution of conflict creates a difference between negative and positive outcomes. When conflict is resolved effectively, essays on conflict, it leads to positive impacts; hence, it justifies on the occurrence of the conflict Philips, Effective conflict resolution leads to unbelievable benefits such as increased understanding, group cohesion, and improvement in self-knowledge. The strategies used to effectively resolve conflict, expands the awareness of people on issues, strengthening of bonds, prevent fights, as well as providing them with insights on how to achieve cooperate and personal objectives.
However, poor handling of conflict could lead to a negative outcome. In fact, conflicting objectives may promptly turn to be organizational and personal dislikes. The teamwork among the parties is broken, talent wasted, as well as tremendous decrease in production. Individuals in society should understand and appreciate the existence of competition, and uniqueness. In society today, there are various incidences of conflict. The incident took place between management and the employees over working conditions and remunerations. The situation in the workplace was very critical. As a matter of fact, there were few conflict cowards in the group. Every individual wanted his or her views to be heard and considered. The entire group of employees were united in airing their views; many of them were furious because they had addressed their problem to the management team, but their problems were not solved.
The conflicts in the workplace were essays on conflict by various reasons. The management team and the employees differed in addressing priorities; the management placed higher priorities to the progress of the company more than the priorities of the m employees. Additionally, essays on conflict methods of promotions and awarding process in the company were not equally carried out. Therefore, it developed a lot of tension among the employees and the management team, essays on conflict. Moreover, the conflicting groups complained of various organizational issues, which in one way or another escalated conflicts.
The organizational factors included budget, management, long working hours, leadership, essays on conflict. Adherence to core values, disagreements, as well as financial problems. Other core issues that were observable were poor communications, differences in interests, and personality clashes Wandberg, The main parties on the workplace conflict focused in resolving the conflict through communication. The management team elaborated on improving various organizational practices. Perhaps, they established the cause of the problem and established subordinate goals, minimized authorities of management as well as improving policies.
The tension among the parties was very high, but the few individuals who were against negative conflicts acted and tried to make the parties reach a consensus. Furthermore, essays on conflict, the organization made changes on human resource department that will focus on analyzing internal problems. Ultimately, the remuneration agreement was arrived at. Undeniably, the deals made during conflict resolution process eased the tension, and the essays on conflict came to a compromising position. Despite the efforts, others were still emotional and could not accept some terms. As a matter of fact, it is very difficult to convince everyone in a conflict situation.
The ultimate decision that was focused on was to involve the employees in setting the appropriate remuneration percentage, which will affect the company and employees equally. The most important strategy in making the entire decisions was to reduce tension and encourage communication. The cost of conflict should not outweigh the entire progress of the organization; hence, management team should focus on preventing conflict to escalate further. Conflict is part of human life and should always be handled with great care. Managing Conflict and Workplace Relationship. Philips, G. The Conflict. New Jersey: Echo Press. Wandberg, R. Conflict Resolution: Communication, essays on conflict, Cooperation, Compromise.
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Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence that states a main point, and then support that point with three or four of your examples from your initial research. Repeat this process for each remaining body paragraph. Within the body of the paper, address whether the conflict was resolved, and how. Jennifer Brozak earned her state teaching certificate in Secondary English and Communications from St. Vincent College in Latrobe, Pa. A former high school English teacher, Jennifer enjoys writing articles about parenting and education and has contributed to Reader's Digest, Mamapedia, Shmoop and more. As the stewards of organizational mission and performance, leaders and managers must be adept at resolving, or at the least reducing, workplace conflict.
Research has found that conflict is an unavoidable human phenomenon, but that managers can take steps to reduce its…. Conflict in the workplace has occurred at every level in an organization and will continue to exist as long as individuals are employed. This conflict can occur at the highest levels of leadership all the way down to the lower levels of the workforce. Regardless of the conflict, if it is not handled properly it can negatively affect the perception and reputation of the organization. Depending on the outcome and how the conflict is handled, there can also be a positive effect. During the…. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool.
Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Conflict Essay. Conflict Essay. Sort By: Most Relevant Highest Grade. Decent Essays. Page 1 of 50 - About Essays. Conflict Resolution: Managing Conflicts Words 4 Pages. Conflict Resolution: Managing Conflicts. Read More. Workplace Conflicts Words 5 Pages. Workplace Conflicts. Conflict In Workplace Words 4 Pages. Conflict In Workplace. Virtual Conflicts Words 9 Pages. Virtual Conflicts. References Avruch, K. Avruch, K. And Wang, Z. Dalal, R. This policy has not always proved to be popular, and many officers are still resistant to the idea of heavily policing the department internally, stating that it makes officers overly cautious on patrol that the NYPD will not 'back them up' in their decision-making.
The relationship between Internal Affairs and other departments has often been fraught. There has been resistance to the notion of 'ratting…. NYPD confidential. The New York Times. Homeland Security IG in conflict with agencies on corruption probe. The Washington Post. html Conflict resolution. In this case, assumed North Korean aggression has arisen in response to economic sanctions placed on the country by the United States and other South Korean allies. This leads to the second step of the conflict, the identification of the sources and causes of the conflict, which are the political and economic disparity that exists between the two Koreas and can be traced back to the middle of the twentieth century and the spread of Communism -- and the West's attempt to stop it.
This hints at the answer to the third step in the process, identifying the needs and aspirations on both sides: the North wants increased economic assistance and to be considered more of a powerhouse in global politics, while the South wants a less aggressive neighbor. This actually makes the conflict in many ways a cooperative one, as determined in the fourth step, though it could be…. Using step two, we should find out more about each other. Rather than just being group participants, we should get to know more about one another so that we do not make each other enemies. Using step three, we should invite the other members of our group project to talk with us and hear each of our ideas about what direction the project should take.
Also in the group setting, we should discuss the behaviors and activates that led to our fighting and disagreement. For example, I felt that she was being unreasonable to expect those of us who were taking the class as an elective to treat it like our first priority. I would also get to hear what activities of mine added resentment for her. Finally, while lines of communication are open and our group is present we should make sure to talk about any other problems we…. Conflict and Negotiation Examples of conflict abound in the movie "Glory. The movie uses the conflict of the Civil War as its' underlying canvas.
What more appropriate theatre to understand human conflict, on every level, could there be? The Civil War is a conflict of ideologies, aspirations, beliefs, and goals of a divided nation. Yet, these very same conflicts play out between the members of the 54th Massachusetts. Broderick, as Colonel Shaw, begins his leadership experience before the formation of the 54th Massachusetts. He is an abolitionist. He grew up with "people of color" in his household. His first conflict is within himself. Can he accept the overwhelming responsibility of leading the first black troops, after his vicious experiences at Antietam?
He leaves the celebration given in his honor to resolve…. The Structure of Conflict. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Contemporary Issues in Leadership 4th ed. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. The Strategy of Conflict. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Conflict esolution CONFLICT Conflicts in the workplace are a common phenomenon and people are usually anything but shocked to find themselves or their colleagues in such conflicts. But the ubiquity of such conflicts doesn't follow we are equally ready to tackle them properly. In fact on the contrary, most people have absolutely no idea what needs to be done when conflict arises. Conflict resolution and management are certainly the key words these days because of intensely competitive and diverse workforce of today yet it appears that most companies hardly pay any attention to conflict resolution training and thus are not properly prepared to handle such situations.
In my workplace, I have noticed that despite diversity training and supposedly polite and healthy working environment, conflicts are almost a norm and most of them are grounded in interpersonal problems. Personality clashes are common and on numerous occasions, we find employees complaining about…. References Elisabeth Seaman: Can Conflict In Nonprofits Be Managed Successfully? cfm Daniel Dana, Ph. What's a Conflict? Conflict Management in Organizations Apple and Samsung Drop Patent Disputes Against Each Other Outside of the U.
The business conflict covered here involves the two smartphone giants that operate globally with great reach and hold of the market not only in the U. But also across Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. Over the last three years, these two companies have filed more than 40 cases against each other involving patent issues. These suits have seen them go through a lot of cost of conflict, however, at last they agreed to sign an agreement that saw each side drop all the cases that they had against the other side but this was limited to the U. And they insisted that the cases within the U. courts were to continue to the logical conclusion Chowdhry A. The cost of conflict in any business conflict does not just come in the forms….
References Chowdhry A. Apple And Samsung Drop Patent Disputes Against Each Other Outside Of The U. How Much is Conflict Costing You? A good facilitator will be able to use active listening skills to gently guide the discussion to this more productive tone. Allowing the colleagues to work together to come to a solution will generate team-building skills and will likely create a stronger relationship between the two. Even if they come up with the identical solution -- moving one person into a private office -- the process will empower both workers and the solution is less likely to lead to future problems down the road.
Another process solution to this conflict might stem from ongoing team-building exercises. In fact, groups that participate in regular group cohesion exercises are less likely to experience conflicts and such a process may effectively have solved this problem before it began. When colleagues are given the chance to get to know each other in a non-threatening environment, they will build relationships. As a result, they will…. Bibliography Blydenburgh, Christopher. A Guide to Conflict Resolution in the Workplace. Therefore, this marketing conflict has lead to the disaster, which could have been avoided, in my opinion, if the owner would have understood the commercial laws of the market and would have promoted the road cars' line.
Moreover, the crisis has been amplified by another event: "In November a dispute between Enzo Ferrari and his sales manager, Girolamo Gardini, turned into a crisis. Girolamo Gardini threatened to leave the company. Enzo Ferrari responded to the threat by throwing out Girolamo Gardini, and several employees who agreed with Girolamo Gardini were also ousted. It is sure that the history of Ferrari form the s onwards would have been different if the above mentioned conflicts, especially the latter one, would have been solved through negotiations. For example, the staff of the company could have been divided in 2 teams, one…. Conflict in DC Case Study Conflict in DC Conflict in the Democratic epublic of Congo Background of DC Conflict The Democratic epublic of Congo DC , otherwise also known as epublique Democratique du Congo from their French masters and formerly Zaire is a nation situated in Central Africa boasting of a very brief coastline that runs approximately 37 Kms.
DC is the third largest country in the entire Africa and stands at 12th position in terns of size in the world scale with 2, Square Kms U. Department of State, It is the eight in the world in terms of population and fourth in Africa with the 71 million populations. DC is neighbored by Central Africa epublic and Sudan from the northern side, the Atlantic Ocean is on its West, to the south Zambia and Angola border it and wanda, Uganda and Burundi are its neighbors to the East. Reference Claudia Rodriguez, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Conflict in the Workplace One of the things that makes us human is our need and ability to form groups.
We thrive in groups, merge into groups, and even the process of civilization and moving from hunter-gatherers to cities was part of group behavior. owever, when groups form, any number of interesting psychological issues occur: behaviors change, organizational issues occur, bonds and alliances are formed and lost, and even individual leadership behaviors change Johnson and Johnson, Whether it be individuals, small groups, or large groups -- sometimes behavioral issues arise that cause conflict. Breaking one or more of these rules, however, or disagreeing with them to the point where it becomes unbearable or makes the group ineffective then becomes "conflictual" Corey, , pp.
This conflict happens in most cultures and some time or another. We see it in animal behavior as internal aggression. In some human cultures, while…. HR: Let the record show that I am James X. Today is the 28th of June, , and we are meeting with Mr. has steadily worked his way up from a process worker to a section Forman since Spring Our meeting today is the result of a letter sent by Mr. demanding a review of a recent hiring decision made for Factory Manager. According to Mr. B's letter of June 10, , Mr. feels that he did not receive the desired position promotion because of "discriminatory and unfair" labor practices, especially those from the Operations Manager.
Reviewing the situation we find the following: In April, , due to corporate growth and efficiency studies, Zycon Corporation created a new position for our Brisbane Factory -- that Zycon believed it necessary to have an overall person who would be. Feldman and Slattery In this environment, it is likely that the people of Somalia would welcome the devil himself if he was carrying food and water, and these circumstances have not been lost on those who would exploit them for their own political agenda. Historical Role of NGOs in Somalian Reconstruction.
The experiences of the United Nations and other relief agencies in Somalia are proof positive that even the best intentioned humanitarian efforts cannot succeed if nongovernmental organizations are targeted by political forces that deem their presence counterproductive for their political agendas. According to Boulden , "The UN response to the Somalia crisis ran the gamut from the extreme of total disregard to total involvement then back to total disregard. During the first year of anarchy, the situation within the country became so dangerous that most nongovernmental organizations NGOs and UN humanitarian agencies left the country" This author….
Works Cited Black's Law Dictionary. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co. Boulden, Jane. Peace Enforcement: The United Nations Experience in Congo, Somalia, and Bosnia. Westport, CT: Praeger, De Waal, Alex. War Crimes in Somalia. Doh, Jonathan P. Conflict Neg While it is impossible to know exactly what went on behind the closed doors of the Oval Office and other meeting points during the near-lockdown in D. Dysfunctional conflict "hinders group performance" because no dialogue or effective communication occurs text p. There was an insufficient amount of collaboration among the parties involved.
There was also task conflict, such as disagreement over the content and the goals of the project. The one point of agreement was that neither party wanted Washington to shut down; it would have been a poor public relations move. Therefore, both parties hurried to a solution that was based much more on compromise than on collaboration. Collaboration would have first clarified what each party needed -- and what their differences were, in order to reach a win-win solution. Reference Kane, P. Budget battle came down to 3 men and their weaknesses. Washington Post. Conflict Relationships Ken and Jane How do you perceive Jan's effort to convince Ken to forgive her? Based on what you have learned in this chapter, suggest two ways she might more effectively seek Ken's forgiveness.
She could have used a time based intervention to talk about the instance further when the conversation would have not been as heated. If they both had a chance to calm down then the conversation might have went smoother. Another tactic Jan could have tried would be to apologize and to address Ken's concerns so that it could be formed into a win-win. For example, Jan could have said that she was sorry if she did ruin his chances with the girl, but she would try to help him find an even more suitable match. What are two nonverbal cues used by Jan. What are two nonverbal cues used by Ken?
In what ways…. The same might be said for those who committed torture in the Nazi camps. Importantly, Austin et al. It is therefore important to recognize that the existence of violence perpetuates further violence, while the same is true for non-violence. This is also an important recognition in the international sphere. Schelling , p. On the other hand, the limited war also requires some degree of mutual recognition or acquiescence. Once war begins, negotiation and communication among adversaries become difficult. The recent situation and Egypt and the current situation in Libya appear to be cases in point for this assertion. Finally, in international relations,…. References Baldwin, D. Power and International Relations. Handbook of International Relations, editors Carlsnaes, W.
And Simmons, B. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Schelling, T. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press. Barak, G. Violence and Nonviolence: Pathways to Understanding, Sage Publications. Azar, E. Bookfield, VT: Gower Pub. The Palestinians have never the Jewish version of history and desire to have all the land returned to them. This conflict is intractable and there is little hope of a resolution in the immediate future. In applying Reinhold Niebuhr's Christian realism to the conflict summarized above it should be noted that Niebuhr was a Zionist who strongly supported the right of Israel to occupy the land and defend itself.
His Christian realism combines there elements of realism, political realism, moral realism and theological realism Moseley Thus, the conflict must be understood firstly as a problem on sin in the lives of the inhabitants of the area. The groups involved will firstly need to understand their action as a product of a sinful experience Inboden. They should be prepared to act in moral and right way toward their fellow men. The Jews should be prepared to live peacefully with the…. Works Cited Hodges, Sam. Web Inboden, Will "Putting the 'Christian' back in 'Realism': A response to Steve Walt" Foreign Policy December 21, Web Moseley, Carys "Reinhold Niebuhr's Approach to the State of Israel: The Ethical Promise and Theological Limits of Christian Realism" Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations.
Conflict Resolution in it Management What is the importance of having rules of engagement to successfully support a virtual team when using collaborative technologies? Can you come up with any other rules that could be added? Rules of engagement within a virtual team using collaborative technologies are crucial to the success of any major team project for several reasons. For example, business units and team members in different areas typically utilize very different systems and procedures to accomplish their component tasks and responsibilities. Changes made and commitments promised to clients by one business unit or team member without consulting other business units and team members can radically affect those business units or team members or even make it impossible for them to complete their respective contributions to the project.
Some other helpful types of rules of engagement that could be added might include: The appointment of designated team or unit…. Conflict in First Knight Personal v Political Conflict in First Knight First Knight is a film based on the Arthurian legends made popular through literary works by medieval poets such as Chretien de Troyes. While many Arthurian films make reference to magic and supernatural elements, First Knight is devoid of this references and focuses on the conflicts that arise opposing rulers or leaders, as well as the conflicts that arise between lovers.
While First Knight can be considered to be a romantic film in the traditional literary sense, in addition to the being a love story, an underlying theme of rebellion and civil conflict gives insight into the socio-political conditions of the time. First Knight explores the personal and romantic conflicts that arise as a result of mutinous behavior against Arthur and Camelot. The main underlying theme of the film is the conflict that arises when Malagant, formerly a…. References: Might Is Right. Modern Arthurian Literature. College of Liberal Arts at the California Polytechnic State University.
First Knight [Motion Picture]. United States of America: Columbia Pictures. The European actions against the natives were in error, because they were committed by Protestant Christians, who, unlike Catholics or savages, should have known better and responded with higher forms of faith and feeling. The Indian atrocities were seen as inevitable, the result of "undesigned provocation" even though esley acknowledges that the settlers are interlopers rather than a response in defense of their land ard, Thus, although the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights may proclaim religious separation from all churches, America was actually founded by individuals seeking to create what today we would call a theocracy.
Despite early amicable relations with the natives, eventually conflicts over territory caused the two populations to be hostile. The violence that ensued was justified by the religious rhetoric and beliefs of the Puritans, as they strove to create a New Jerusalem in a land that was inhabited by people whose civilization…. Works Cited Atkins, Scott Eric. html Native Americans of North America. com Religious tolerance in Colonial America htm Ward, Nathanial. Yet when we would go shopping the pressure has becoming more and more intense to spend thousands of dollars to redecorate the entire condo.
I questioned the use of our credit for that if we were planning to start a family immediately after getting married. The conflict escalated until we had a major argument on the way back from furniture shopping one night, with my position being that if she wanted all this new furniture she would have to keep working to pay for it. She could not stop working and also get the furniture; besides we had not even talked about furnishing a baby's room and all those expenses. My point was simple: if we spend more we will have to work more hours, even more jobs to pay for them. To take on even more expenses and give up a salary now would be crazy, I insisted. onsidering that the old order in Ireland was in place since two millennia and had always been under the control of the Gaelic chieftains, their removal from the leadership of the provinces of Ireland by the English rown was destined to arise the resistance of the majority who sought support in the atholic world and especially hoped in the papal authority.
urtis points out that the resistance against the protestant faith that built up after Elisabeth took over Munster and Ulster was coming not only from inside the respective Irish provinces, but also from the dissidents in Italy, Portugal, Spain and the Low countries. On one hand they were gathering in the spirit of preserving the old faith, on the other, the Irish and the Anglo-Irish who opposed the Reformation were changing their ways supported by the Jesuits who helping the process of transforming the faithful into fanatics. On the…. Cronin, Mike. A History of Ireland. Basingstoke, England: Palgrave, Curtis, Edmund. A History of Ireland: From Earliest Times to London: Routledge, Highly Patriarchal Social Framework.
In many parts of the Middle East, women are little more than chattel today based on longstanding customs: "From B. Women became a chattel first of her father, then of her husband, then of her son" Sechzer, , p. While the laws and practices vary, the majority of Islamic countries in the Middle East have specific beliefs about women and have restrictions concerning them Sechzer, Religious tenets in the more restrictive regions are used to "keep women in their place" and violence against women sometimes even takes the form of killing. In her book, Sites of Violence: Gender and Conflict Zones, Giles notes that, "In the Middle East, for instance, 'honor killing'….
This was in keeping with the Marxist principle of a classless society. In the United Nations, the United States has had an equal standing with other nations such as ritain, France, and the Soviet Union. The United States has participated in United Nations actions and made a show of being a part of the international community while maintaining its superpower status outside of the United Nations' walls. While the United States continues to be a member of the United Nations, it is no longer really a true team player. The United States, while still making a show of belonging to the United Nations, now more closely follows the principle…. Hirst, P , War and Power in the 21st Century, Polity Press, Cambridge.
Janis, Irving , Groupthink, Houghton Mifflin, Boston. Kaldor, M , New Wars and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era, Stanford University, Stanford. Conflict Resolution First of all, the mother of this 8-year-old should have either advised the grandmother in advance to be wary of certain music albums or reviewed the album herself before the grandmother gave it to him. An 8-year-old boy is very impressionable, and naive, so the kinds of music, books, video games and other gifts that might be given to him should be very carefully monitored.
It is not the band's fault that grandmother selected a musical album that was far too mature and raw for a very young boy.
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