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Starting essay with a quote

Starting essay with a quote

Attention-grabbing can be regarded as the greatest importance of good essay starters. How to Start an Essay: Easy Tips to Help You Get Started Key Things You Should Know When Picking the Right Quote for Your Essay Need Starting essay with a quote Help to Understand How to Begin an Essay? If you're writing your essay using MLA formatting, starting essay with a quote, there are numerous ways you could cite a quote, including putting the author's name and the relevant page number in parentheses behind the quote. Basically, the APA referencing style requires essayists to obtain quotes from credible sources. It acts as the first impression you give to the readers about the essay. Do you want to convince readers of a certain point of view? In this case, students must select a quote that relates to the central theme and the chosen topic.

The Pros and Cons of Starting with a Quote

Many students are interested in the question: Can I start an essay with a quote? Our answer: of course, starting essay with a quote, you can! The main thing that you should pay attention to is the expediency starting essay with a quote this quote. It should be intriguing, starting essay with a quote, catchy, and involving. Below you will find many starting essay with a quote tips that will help you attract the attention of your audience from the very first phrase of your essay. Relevance is a very important quality. Sometimes the same method can be successful and unsuccessful at the same time. For example, you certainly cannot imagine a research essay that begins with a quote about love.

Such stories are boring and old-fashioned. Students think that quotes will help make their essays interesting and compelling. But not the phrase itself is important, but its meaning, context, your interpretation. Each sentence of your essay should respond to the first of them. This means that you can use a quote if your essay is devoted to reflective, artistic, literary topics. It can be a paper of comparison and opposition, a literature review. An appropriate quote can be selected for an analytical or critical essay. Many students use quotes for their admission essays, so this is often perceived as a cliché. Use the quote to start the essay when you realize that you do not have another hook. The reader will see a familiar or intriguing phrase and will want to know what your paper is about.

In addition, starting essay with a quote, this will automatically add you a score. After all, if you quote Nietzsche or Dostoevsky, you are probably very smart and have done solid work on your essay. It cannot be denied that the decision to begin essay with a quote has its advantages and disadvantages. There is no universal rule that will be the same for all papers. Check out the list below to understand your situation and make the right choice. In order to start an essay with a quote, you need to choose a good phrase. Some students consider this task to be pretty challenging. Here are some tips to help you with this:. Do not think that your first sentence should be written as soon as you decide on the topic of the essay.

We recommend that you come up with a quote after your paper is ready. Then you will have a full understanding of this text: what idea it conveys, what arguments you use, how exactly you transmit your starting essay with a quote to readers. Use the brainstorming method and write out all the quotes that seem suitable for you, starting essay with a quote. And then answer the questions above. This will help you get rid of bad options and find the best solution. Here are five steps to help you do this:. The first mistake you can make is banality. They have been used hundreds of times and do not carry any new meaning. The second mistake is the lack of context. Readers cannot always understand why you used this particular phrase. This will make them feel stupid.

People do not like to feel stupid. Write essays in plain language and explain such things. The third mistake is a too loose interpretation of the context. If you did it on purpose, explain it to readers. Examples are what help students get the big picture. You can read the theory for a long time, but you still cannot understand what actions you should take in practice. Therefore, we have selected some good examples for you. Use them to come up with your own quote for your introduction:. Now you know how to start an essay with a quote. We recommend that you do not procrastinate or put off writing a paper until the last day. Make sure you have enough time. But this does not mean at all that you are obliged to write an essay and look for a good quote-hook for it.

We understand that students want to have fun in their free time. Perhaps you work, and your head is busy with more important things than selecting quotes. Fortunately, we know how to help you. Place your order on our website, and we will select a professional author for you. Your essay with an attractive quote will be ready on time and at a very competitive price! David Hoang works as a copywriter for WriteAnyPapers. He used to work in different spheres, from web development to psychology, but he decided to change his career. In this case, David has an opportunity to tell others how to behave in different situations. How to Start an Essay with a Quote 01 Jun When Would You Want to Start with Quote? The Pros and Cons of Starting with a Quote It cannot be denied that the decision to begin essay with a quote has its advantages and disadvantages.

Pros: They help you set a proper tone. They starting essay with a quote convey a large layer of information that can resonate with the readership. Any other means will require more time and effort for these purposes. A powerful or controversial quote always captivates readers. A strong quote is something that immediately attracts attention. Note that not every phrase can be involving. Choose a shocking, starting essay with a quote, humorous, controversial, or thoughtful quote for your essay. Think about how you can use it as a hook to interest readers. Quotes point out the main idea of your essay. This is a great opportunity to check if you have a good essay.

The quote with which you start the paper will become that phrase. The authority of the source is working for you. Using a quote from a great man who has achieved significant success in his goal, you give great authority to starting essay with a quote words. Just imagine: you are supported by Lincoln or Einstein. Which of the readers dare to argue with their statements? Cons: It is a cliché. In fact, this cannot be called a big problem if you picked up a good quote that matches the essence of your paper. But sometimes it can limit you. Searching for the right quote is time-consuming. Sometimes you need to spend starting essay with a quote lot of time before you find the right quote.

In the end, you can even use the far from the best option simply because you took the time to do it. A really good quote can take all the attention away, starting essay with a quote. Meanwhile, you still need to write an interesting thesis statement. It will seem weak against the background of a quote, not from your authorship. The authority of the source can work against you. Many great personalities are controversial. They say the right thing but in a certain context, starting essay with a quote. When choosing a phrase, think in what context it was expressed and how much this corresponds to the meaning of your paper.

The Key Points of Selecting the Right Quote In order to start an essay with a quote, you need to choose a good phrase. Here are some tips to starting essay with a quote you with this: Understand the purpose of the quotation use. There are many more original ways to start an essay. Therefore, if you decide that a quote is a good idea, use our tips. Here are a few questions that you must answer before choosing the right phrase. Does the quotation have an original or unusual meaning that is difficult to explain in other words? Do you interpret this phrase correctly? What did the author write about? What is the historical and cultural context? Is the author of a quote an authoritative expert?

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You can take a quote from different sources of information, such as books, magazines, websites or printed journals. Using quotes in an essay serves three goals:. The Modern Language Association citation manual implies two types of quotes — short and long. Writing college essays, the recommendation is to use short quotes. Referring to the works of other authors in-text is done using a parenthetical citation. Such a method implies the author-page style of quoting. For example:. When not writing or rewriting, read. I know of no shortcuts. According to MLA guidelines, at the end of the essay, there has to be the Works Cited page.

Starting an essay with a quote is a matter of controversy. Experts in the pro camp suggest that a quote at the beginning of an essay helps make a powerful statement right from the start. Experts from the against camp suggest that when you begin an essay with a quote, you miss on the opportunity to present your own take on the subject matter. In their opinion, when writing the introduction, you have to rely only on your words. Whereas quotes are most useful in the main body, serving as an additional argumentation. In conclusion, a quote can be placed, too. Looking to introduce a quote in an essay? Having a quote at the beginning or the end of your essay will limit the number of quotes left for the main body.

In an essay, the number of quotes is limited that much. Otherwise, it would be a collection of quotes rather than an original essay. We are NOT recommending to use quotes in the Introduction. Leave all your quotes for the main body and maybe one to use in the conclusion. Writing an essay starting with a quote is a common technique used by many people. It has many benefits as it increases your word count and imposes a good impression on your reader about your writing skills. However, it is necessary to follow some rules which should be considered before choosing your quote; otherwise, it could lead to an omission in your work. One of the significant rules is to match your desired quote with your essay topic while explaining it with examples. Explain the quote in detail so that your readers can get the idea of what you are talking about and not that you have just copy-pasted it from the internet.

After the explanation, provide your readers with a few examples of the quote for their better understanding. Remember, it is unwise to rush when it comes to writing quotes. The more the details, the more chances of you creating an excellent essay. Another rule of writing quotes in your essay is to be concise and paraphrase. Read the quote two to three times, analyze it, trim down the unnecessary part, and paraphrase it. This would help you stay concise while keeping the reader engaged in your essay. Starting an essay with a quote is good, but most people fail to acknowledge their sources in the essay. It is unethical not to provide sources when writing a quote in your essay.

It is necessary to provide citations of your quotes to avoid the doubt of plagiarism to your readers, as plagiarism is seen as a major disgrace in the world of writing. An out of context quote implies a wrong impression to your reader, and you certainly do not want that. Connect each dot of your essay. Make sure your written quote matches your thesis of the essay and is presenting or solving a situation. It is common among many students to use the italic option when writing a quote. It would be wise to refrain from using the italic font with quotes, as it looks sloppy, and many readers dislike it. If you are writing an essay on a small level, it would be my suggestion to refrain from using quotes.

Start with baby steps, then after perfecting them, proceed towards writing with quotes. Hopefully, these tips mentioned above helped you in preparing your top-notch desired essay. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Quotes Topics Pet Quotes Christmas Quotes Romantic Quotes Friendship Quotes Wedding Quotes Inspirational Quotes Funny Quotes Bible Personal Development Questions Game Relationship History African History UK History Conversation Starters. Sign in. Log into your account. your username. your password. Forgot your password? Remember when selecting a quotation to keep the reader in mind and think about what they will find interesting, exciting, compelling, or unique. The quote should be unusual or unique. To help make a quotation interesting, it should be as unique or unusual as possible.

That means that you should generally avoid overly familiar quotations, which can be a bit boring. Look for less familiar but still compelling words and phrases that will cause the audience to stop and take notice. If you use a quote everybody knows, the audience will likely gloss over it. The quote should usually be from a famous person. But the point is that the audience needs to understand why you are presenting them with a quotation. Tags: College Tips Essay Writing. Previous post SBA USVI Wants Nominations For Entrepreneurs For National Awards. Next post Plans to Reopen Limetree Bay Refinery Have St. Croix Residents Concerned. The Author VI Free Press. Related Posts.

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